Cimmerians, Scythians and the “Lost” Tribes of Israel–Part Two (Resources & Notes)

[Note:  Some historians believe the twelve tribes journeyed through Asia Minor into Eastern Europe, northwest Europe, Western Europe and beyond.]

[Note:  The idea of identifying the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim with the United States and British Commonwealth respectively does not receive direct support from Scripture.

That being said we sometimes find that British-Israel materials neglect the correct biblical foundation for their conclusions, and therefore some conclusions must be discarded from being a support to Scripture.  Such is the case with those who misapply the concepts of proximity and timeliness in regard to Israel’s history, while using liberal linguistic interpretations in support of their conclusions.

Rawlinson, for example, is accorded the following statement:  “We have reasonable grounds for regarding the Gimiri, or Cimmerians, who first appeared on the outlines of Assyria and Medea in the Seventh century (B.C.), and the Sacae of the Behistun Rock, nearly two centuries later, as identical with Beth Khumree of Samaria, or the Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.”  (This quote has been attributed to George Rawlinson as well as to Sir Henry Rawlinson.)

Also, in the book, Who Were the Cimmerians, and Where Did They Come From?: Sargon II, the Cimmerians, and Rusa I, published in 1988, Kristensen writes:  “In a way, the supposition that, as deportees, the Cimmerians had been settled in different places in the Zagros and in Media would supply us with the most natural and simplest explanation of their presence there, and of their alliances” (p. 117).

These statements are problematic on historical and linguistic grounds, knowing also that many historians and expositors equate the descendants of Gomer with the Cimmerians.]   (Cimmerians, Scythians and the “Lost” Tribes of Israel–Part Two)