Bible Review

Before Abraham was–I am? (Part One)

The surety afforded to church doctrines, and how the church defines who God is, are predicated on the belief that God founded the church upon his son Jesus, being the chief cornerstone, and all doctrines and beliefs of that church are understood—without reservation—to be based on…

Before Abraham was–I am? (Part Two)

We do not find in the book of John a definitive statement made by Jesus that he is God, and in the context of his argument with the Pharisees we see that both he and the Jews affirmed that God was the Father.  However, what we do find…

The Day-for-a-Year Principle–Is it Biblical? (Part One)

It is safe to say that Jesus never invoked or used a day-for-a-year principle when speaking of the messages delivered by the prophets.  The same can be said of the apostles as well.  Even the prophets themselves never discussed such a prophetic principle, and they certainly didn’t…

The Day-for-a-Year Principle–Is it Biblical? (Part Two)

From the biblical account we learn that Pharaoh Necho appointed Eliakim to be king over Judah after the death of King Josiah, and Pharaoh changed the new king’s name to Jehoiakim.  Then, in his eleventh year of reign…

What Abraham Taught us about Faith

The subject of faith is little understood even by most professing Christians.  Even when people fall back on Scripture for the definitive answer as to what faith is it seems that most still can’t understand it…

Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

The peoples of the Middle East witnessed a great exodus of Israelites from the land of the Nile following the initial Passover in Egypt, which was a long awaited deliverance for thousands of people who began an arduous journey to…

How Long was the Ministry of Jesus?

Celebrating Jesus’ birth in the winter season of the year is a commonly observed Christian tradition, even though there is no biblical evidence that Jesus was born in the winter, and certainly there is no historical evidence that the celebration of Jesus’ birth was…

Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision of a Prophetic Clock–Part One

According to what Jesus said there is good news coming, but we are without a doubt having many troubles in the world today.  With thoughts running unrestrained about disease pandemics, global economic problems, terrorist activities, nuclear weapons upscaling, and many other issues, there are…

Nebuchadnezzar’s Vision of a Prophetic Clock–Part Two

If we observe the historical evolution of those empires represented by Nebuchadnezzar’s image, we would discover that all of these empires had something in common—the Commonwealth of Israel—more specifically the…

Revisiting the Seventy-Weeks Prophecy–Part One

Following the customary practice of recognizing and appeasing the gods of other lands, Artaxerxes I and seven of his trusted counselors made an offering of gold and silver to the God of Israel who resided in…

Revisiting the Seventy-Weeks Prophecy–Part Two

At the end of the Babylonian domination the prophet Daniel reviewed Jeremiah’s writings concerning the seventy-year period of desolation that was determined for the

The Decrees of Artaxerxes I and the Seventy-Weeks Prophecy–Part One

During the reign of Xerxes I the Egyptian satrapy was devastated by the Persians, and the satrapy of Babylon was subjected to years of repression that effectively impoverished the Babylonians.  This expectedly led to…

The Seventy Years of Babylonian Domination

609/608 BCE  King Josiah of Judah is killed while attempting to intercede against the Egyptian army.  The Assyrian king, Ashur-uballit II, is defeated by the Babylonians in 609 BCE, beginning the period of seventy years of Babylonian domination…

The Decrees of Artaxerxes I and the Seventy-Weeks Prophecy–Part Two

With the fall of Babylon came the end of seventy years of Babylonian domination, and with Babylon’s demise came the beginning of the Achaemenid era as the Persian Empire…

Examining the Typology of the Man of Sin

The Bible has been subject to much analysis and speculation, and by consequence a number of misconceived ideas have been created about biblical prophecy, which may mean that one of the greatest deceptions of the future will prove to be…

In Search of the Prophesied Ten Kings–Part One: The Rise of Empires and the Fall of the Commonwealth of Israel

With the defeat of an invading Mesopotamian confederation the patriarch Abraham expectedly gained a measure of political influence with the leaders and rulers of the city-states of Canaan.  Observing that historically Abraham’s political influence in Canaan began…

In Search of the Prophesied Ten Kings–Part Two: A Coming Geopolitical Shift in Global Power

When the prophet Daniel revealed the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of a “great image” he explained that the head of gold represented the Neo-Babylonian kingdom that began with the Chaldean dynasty of King…
